
Your Partner for Growth and Security

No. RICBL/TH/LIFE-RLIS(01)/2017/9038                                       September 21, 2017                                

The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited (RICB) is pleased to inform the general public that the collection of the premium under the Rural Life Insurance Scheme from the individual citizens in all Dzongkhags for the insurance period of January – December, 2018, has begun from the first week of September 2017 and shall continue till October 31, 2017. The premium is being collected by the officials of RICB in collaboration with the Local Government in the respective Dzongkhags.

Therefore, all heads of the household or individuals are requested to pay the premium in the respective Gewogs within the abovementioned dates in order to avoid nonpayment of the claim in the event of death of any eligible members in the family during the period of insurance.
