Policy Loans Can be Granted to a Policyholder Against His/ Her Policy Provided the Terms and Conditions Applicable to the Policy So Permit. Policy Loans Are Paid from the Surrender Value Calculated and Maximum of 90% of the Surrender Value is Payable as Loan to the Policyholder, Except For Tmn Policies which is 65% of the Surrender Value @ 12% Interest Rate

Your Partner for Growth and Security

Policy Loans Can be Granted to a Policyholder Against His/ Her Policy Provided the Terms and Conditions Applicable to the Policy So Permit. Policy Loans Are Paid from the Surrender Value Calculated and Maximum of 90% of the Surrender Value is Payable as Loan to the Policyholder, Except For Tmn Policies which is 65% of the Surrender Value @ 12% Interest Rate