Inviting Quotation (AIR)

Your Partner for Growth and Security

The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited invites sealed bids for the purchase and issuance of economy class air tickets for the following routes:

  1. Paro – Kaula Lumpur – 21.02.2016 (8 pacs)Kaula Lumpur – Paro – 28.02.2016 (8 pacs) 
  2. Paro – Kaula Lumpur – 24.02.2016 (1 pac)Kaula Lumpur – Paro – 28.02.2016 (1 pac) 

All registered agencies are requested to quote via Bangkok and Singapore. The rates quoted must be submitted to the Human Resource Division, Head Office on January 23, 2016 by 10.00 A.M.  All the bidders must fulfill the terms and conditions

Please contact the Human Resource Division, Head Office, Thimphu for further information