Inviting Quotation (AIR)

Your Partner for Growth and Security

Paro – Bangkok – Taipei – Bangkok – Paro

Paro – Bangkok – Tokyo – Bangkok – Paro 

The rates quoted must be submitted to the Human Resource Division, Head Office on September 14, 2015 by 10.00 A.M.  All the bidders must fulfill the terms and conditions of the Quotation.

DateFromToNo. of PassengerRemarks
10.10.2015ParoBangkok Mr. Jigme 
Mr. Minjur Wangchuk 
Please quote for direct flight to Taoyuan International Airport from Bangkok and must arrive in afternoon
11.10.2015 Bangkok Taipei  Mr. Jigme 
Mr. Minjur Wangchuk 
Please quote for direct flight to Taoyuan International Airport from Bangkok and must arrive in afternoon
14.10.2015 Taipei Bangkok  Mr. Jigme 
Mr. Minjur Wangchuk 
Please quote for direct flight to Taoyuan International Airport from Bangkok and must arrive in afternoon
16.10.2015 Bangkok Paro  Mr. Jigme 
Mr. Minjur Wangchuk 
Please quote for direct flight to Taoyuan International Airport from Bangkok and must arrive in afternoon
DateFromToNo. of PassengerRemarks
12.10.2015ParoBangkok Mr. Kinzang Dorji
 Mr. Sonam Dendup 
Please quote for direct flight to Haneda International Airport from Bangkok and must arrive by noon
13.10.2015 Bangkok Tokyo  Mr. Kinzang Dorji
 Mr. Sonam Dendup 
Please quote for direct flight to Haneda International Airport from Bangkok and must arrive by noon
17.10.2015 Tokyo Bangkok  Mr. Kinzang Dorji
 Mr. Sonam Dendup 
Please quote for direct flight to Haneda International Airport from Bangkok and must arrive by noon
19.10.2015& 21.10.2015 Bangkok Paro  Mr. Kinzang Dorji
 Mr. Sonam Dendup 
Please quote for direct flight to Haneda International Airport from Bangkok and must arrive by noon

Please contact the Human Resource Division, Head Office, Thimphu for further information.