Burglary Policy Icon

Burglary Policy

Burglary Insurance Policy provides financial compensation for the property lost or damaged in your home or office because of burglary or housebreaking. It also covers cash, valuables, and securities.

The Policy pays actual loss/damage to your insured property caused by burglary/house breaking subject to the limit of Sum Insured.

Cash, valuables, and securities Icon
Cash, valuables, and securities
Compensates the actual loss/damage to insured property Icon
Compensates the actual loss/damage to insured property
Financial compensation against loss or damage to property in the house or office premises Icon
Financial compensation against loss or damage to property in the house or office premises
Larceny Icon
War, strike, riots, etc. Icon
War, strike, riots, etc.
Normal shortage or missing Icon
Normal shortage or missing
Involvement of inmate or insured’s family member or staff as principal or accessory Icon
Involvement of inmate or insured’s family member or staff as principal or accessory
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