Years Of Experience

Your Partner for Growth and Security

Over the last 49 years, the Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited (RICB) has been fulfilling the insurance and financial needs of the people of Bhutan.
Through our social security and financing, we have helped people improve their financial well-being and build resilience against the unpredictability of their lives.
Instituted under the Royal Charter of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck on the 7th of January 1975, the RICB, since has positively impacted thousands of lives and contributed immensely to the overall socio-economic development of the country.
Over the last 49 years, the RICB has helped generate revenue for the government while also providing insurance services and investment avenues through Life Insurance, General Insurance, Reinsurance, Credit and Securities products and services.
Our Life Insurance provides the much-needed security and protection to lives and property against often devastating unforeseen hazards. By providing indemnity against natural disasters, our General Insurance covers the industrial, fixed, engineering, marine and moveable assets from hazardous perils.
Furthermore, civil servants and public sector employees benefit immensely from our Group Savings Insurance, which provides a safety net against premature death and permanent disability. More importantly, GIS has also helped the public sector employees plan for a safe, secure and financially stable post-retirement life.
Our Rural House Insurance Scheme protects hundreds and thousands of homes in the villages against the risks of fire, floods and earthquakes. Our Rural House Insurance, today, has become a beacon of hope for many villages by helping restore and rebuild many in the aftermath of devastating natural disaster.
But our mandate doesn’t stop with just social security and protection. Today, businesses continue to benefit from our short-term and long-term financing. While social security protection remains our top priority, we aim to provide people with easier access to capital and financial needs to improve their livelihood, well-being and investment. 
With these audacious ambitions, the RICB shall, in unison, join the nation’s efforts to realise the Gross National Happiness.