Our Compensation Helps Restore Homes in Samtse

Your Partner for Growth and Security

Our Compensation Helps Restore Homes in Samtse

The 18 families in Samtse, roofing of whose houses were riddled by hailstone recently, can now restore their homes following the release of damage compensation from our Samtse Branch Office.
Just as the wet summer is around the corner, the recent hailstone damage left the 18 families, their homes and hard-earned belongings exposed and vulnerable.
Responding to the mishap, our Branch Office immediately travelled to the affected areas to assess the damages and help these families restore their homes before the full-scale onslaught of the summer rain.  
Following the damage assessment, our Branch Office swiftly released the compensations to the 18 households who will now be able to replace the damaged roofs.
While receiving the compensation, one of our beneficiaries from Dorokha, Khem Lal Adhikari — not only — talked about how happy he was to receive the compensation but said that this experience truly helped the community members realise the importance of insuring their homes.
“We thank the RICB for assessing our homes in Dorokha since many suffered lots of damage.
We’re so happy to have received the compensation for the damages from the RICB.
We now know how important it is to insure our homes. We should have had insurance coverage, even for our kitchens.
Until now, we didn’t know why we should have insurance.
But after receiving the compensation, we now understand the importance of having our homes insured.  
Many of us now want to get insurance even for our kitchens,” said Khem Lal Adhikari.
While insurance, as Adhikhari said, is far from being understood, we’re once again happy to have been able to help restore homes for these families.
But more importantly, we’re delighted to have been able to put the smiles back on the faces of these families.  
Make these families feel safe again.
And restore that sense of security — one that we experience only at home.
And that’s exactly, what we aspire for,  helping our families, friends, and communities overcome mishaps with as minimal loss as possible but, definitely stronger, resilient, and secure.