Industrial All Risk Policy Icon

Industrial All Risk Policy

In Industrial All Risk Policy, if any of the insured property is accidentally, physically lost, destroyed, or damaged during the period of insurance or any subsequent period, the insurer will pay the insured the value of the property at the time of its accidental physical loss, destruction, or damage, unless an excluded clause applies. 

Theft and burglary Icon
Theft and burglary
Internal transit cover Icon
Internal transit cover
Damage and loss from the fire and allied perils Icon
Damage and loss from the fire and allied perils
Collapse or cracking of buildings Icon
Collapse or cracking of buildings
Faulty or defective design materials or workmanship Icon
Faulty or defective design materials or workmanship
Damage caused by any wilful act or wilful negligence Icon
Damage caused by any wilful act or wilful negligence
Cessation of work, delay or loss of market or any other consequential or indirect loss Icon
Cessation of work, delay or loss of market or any other consequential or indirect loss
Larceny, act of fraud or dishonesty and disappearance, unexplained or inventory shortage Icon
Larceny, act of fraud or dishonesty and disappearance, unexplained or inventory shortage
Damage caused by interruption of water supply, electricity, or fuel system or failure of the effluent disposal system Icon
Damage caused by interruption of water supply, electricity, or fuel system or failure of the effluent disposal system
Corrosion, rust, extremes or change in temperature, dampness, dryness, seepage, wet or dry rock fungus, shrinkage, evaporation, loss of weight, pollution, change in colour, vermin, insects, marring or scratching Icon
Corrosion, rust, extremes or change in temperature, dampness, dryness, seepage, wet or dry rock fungus, shrinkage, evaporation, loss of weight, pollution, change in colour, vermin, insects, marring or scratching
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