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Children’s Policy

Youth Endowment Assurance Plan
Youth Endowment Assurance Plan
  • Maturity Benefit of Sum Assured + Bonus
  • In the event of the proposer’s untimely demise, Premium Waiver plus Sum Assured + Bonus at the end of the term.
  • 50% Tax Refund
Millennium Education Scheme
Millennium Education Scheme
  • Monetary Returns of 20% of Sum Assured from 18th, 19th , 20th, 21st & 22nd year
  • Guaranteed Additions on 23rd year
  • Term Rider Benefit
  • Premium Waiver in the event of untimely demise of proposer
  • 50% Tax Rebate
Children’s Money Back Policy
Children’s Money Back Policy
  • For 12 Year Term – 20% of the Sum Assured on the 4th & 8th year. And 60% of the Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions on the 12th year.
  • For 15 Year Term – 25% of the Sum Assured on the 5th & 10th year. And 50% of the Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions on the 15th year.
  • For 20 Year Term – 20% of the Sum Assured on the 5th, 10th, & 15th year. 40% of the Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions on the 20th year.
  • Sum Assured guaranteed to the nominee in the event of proposer’s untimely demise
  • Premium Waiver in the event of proposer’s untimely demise
  • 50% Tax Refund