Ten-Tsai Mangul Ngenchoel – II Icon

Ten-Tsai Mangul Ngenchoel II

Struggling to retain employees? Try our Ten-Tsai Mangul Ngenchoel II (TMN II). Who knows, our TMN II might be the answer

While there are no foolproof tools and strategies to retain employees, our TMN II provides a temporary respite to hold your high-performing employees back.

That’s because our TMN II provides life insurance coverage for employees while acting as an investment avenue for the organization to gain Guaranteed Additions, which could come in handy in rewarding its employees in the long run.

Protection Icon


SA upon death Icon

SA upon death

Tax Rebate Icon

Tax Rebate

Premium refund plus GA on maturity Icon

Premium refund plus GA on maturity

Eligibility Page default image
  • Group/Companies/Institutions
  • Life Assured Age: 1 – 75 years
  • Sum Assured: Unlimited, starts from Nu 10,000
  • Term: 1 – 5 years
  • Surrender: After 2 years of active policy
BENEFITS Page default image
  • Refund of Premium plus Guaranteed Additions on maturity
  • Sum Assured guaranteed in the event of member’s untimely demise
Proposal Checklist Claim Checklists Claim Forms Others

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