Tale of a Loving Father, Late Wangchuk

Your Partner for Growth and Security

The RICBians took this solemn moment to send our deep and sincere condolences to the bereaved family of our late client Wangchuk from Galing, Shongphu Gewog, in Trashigang Dzongkhag.

Late Wangchuk passed away in September 2021. He is survived by his wife and children. While we might know very little about the late Wangchuk, we remain deeply touched and awed by his kindness and love for his family.

Many a time, the death of a sole breadwinner spells financial disaster to a family. But late Wangchuck — as wise and caring as he was — left behind a treasure trove of life insurance for his wife and children.

Not one. Not two. But FOUR life insurance policies for his wife and children: ONE Money Back Policy (MBP) and THREE Millennium Education Policies.

The benefits from these policies roughly translate to Nu 1,168,883, almost four times the total premium of Nu 249,180 we received from the proposer, late Wangchuk, for the FOUR LIFE POLICIES. The family, meantime, has already received Nu 301,068 for the Money Back Policy and Term Rider Benefits for the Millennium Education Policies.

These benefits, his wife shared, has helped pay off the family’s debt at a difficult time.

The benefits also include PREMIUM WAIVER of Nu 281, 604 for the Millennium Education policies. Meaning, the family won’t have to pay a single penny for the MILLENNIUM EDUCATION POLICIES until maturity. And his children would still receive Survival Benefits from the 18th – 22nd year and the Guaranteed Addition on the 23rd year.

That’s what late Wangchuk has left for his family. A jewel of life-sustaining insurance for the family to move on with their lives after his premature demise. And as an insurer, we’ve nothing but respect and appreciation for late Wangchuk and his kind, boundless deeds as a loving person.

While we wish for the best for the deceased’s family, we hope we were a good service provider to the late Wangchuk and his family. Late Wangchuk might have left us now, but his memory as a loving husband, father and friend will remain etched in our memory.

May you be swiftly reborn in the higher realms of Dewachen Zhingkham.

As we sign off, we hope that his moving tale inspires our fellow citizens in seeking refuge under the jewel of insurance.

As one of the nominees of late Wangchuk rightly opined, “insurance was useful before. It is still useful now. And it will be extremely useful even in the future.”