Datship Ngensung Leychar Icon

Datship Ngensung Leychar

Designed for avid archers, Dhatsip Ngensung Leychar provides archers in Bhutan with coverage during a tournament against the risk of injuries or damages from an arrow. 

The policy however has a territorial limit covering Bhutan only.

Personal accident & hospitalization Icon
Personal accident & hospitalization
Third party, including Tong, gSo-gMen & property damages Icon
Third party, including Tong, gSo-gMen & property damages
Evacuation for both the insured & third party Icon
Evacuation for both the insured & third party
Consequential loss Page default image
Consequential loss
Any existing disablement Icon
Any existing disablement
Pre or post hospitalisation expenses Icon Pre or post hospitalisation expenses Icon
Pre or post hospitalisation expenses
Intentional, wilful malicious act or any criminal acts Icon
Intentional, wilful malicious act or any criminal acts
Any special or additional diets not provided by hospital Icon
Any special or additional diets not provided by hospital
Accidents while practising, playing ordinary or friendly archery match Icon
Accidents while practising, playing ordinary or friendly archery match
Any medical expenses, services, supplies or treatment or hospital stay which are not approved by a doctor Icon
Any medical expenses, services, supplies or treatment or hospital stay which are not approved by a doctor
Proposal Checklist Proposal Forms claim Checklist
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