Drongseb Kuendrul Tshe-Sog Ngensung Icon

Drongseb Kuendrul Tshesog Ngensung

Drongseb Kuendrul Tshesog Ngensung, as the title suggests, is a loan care policy designed for the Loan Clients of Bhutan Development Bank Ltd. (BDBL) to help repay the client’s outstanding loan in the event of his or her sudden demise. 

The policy covers loan repayment of an amount equivalent to the Sum Assured. For example, if the loan client had insured with us for a Sum Assured of Nu 100,000 and had an outstanding loan of Nu 100,000 at the time of his or herdeath, we guarantee the full repayment of the outstanding loan of Nu 100,000.

Protection Icon


Tax Rebate Icon

Tax Rebate

Disability Benefit Icon

Disability Benefit

Loan Repayment Icon

Loan Repayment

Eligibility Page default image
  • Entry Age: 18 – 60 years
  • Policy Term: 1 – 10 years
  • Sum Assured: Nu 10,000 -1,000, 000
  • Loan Clients of Bhutan Development Bank Ltd.
BENEFITS Page default image
  • Death Benefit – Repayment of loan balance at the time of death
  • Disability Benefit, repayment of the loan balance in the event of disability
  • 50% Tax Waiver
Proposal Checklist Claim Checklists Others

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