Marine Cargo Open Cover Icon

Marine Cargo Open Cover

Marine Cargo Open Cover is a long-term, one-year policy to protect goods on land, sea and air. The Open Cover provides a year-long protection of goods against losses and damages during the export, import and transportation within the country.

Basic road risks Icon
Basic road risks
Theft and non-delivery Icon
Theft and non-delivery
Collision during transit Icon
Collision during transit
Fire and lightning Icon
Fire and lightning
Breakage Icon
Transhipment risks Icon
Transhipment risks
Wear and tear Icon
Wear and tear
Loss by delay Icon
Loss by delay
Wilful misconduct by the assured Icon
Wilful misconduct by the assured
War, strike, civil commotion and SRCC. Icon
War, strike, civil commotion and SRCC.
Ordinary leakage and loss in weight or volume Icon
Ordinary leakage and loss in weight or volume
Loss by inherent vice or nature of the subject matter Page default image
Loss by inherent vice or nature of the subject matter
Loss or damage due to insufficiency or unsuitable packing Icon
Loss or damage due to insufficiency or unsuitable packing
Proposal Checklist Proposal Forms claim Checklist Claim Forms
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